
Enable real-time co-editing for Froala


Add the Codox JavaScript library and css files:

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

JavaScript code

Add the following JavaScript block to your application to enable real-time co-editing for Froala. Replace the apiKey field with your own, which you can get here.

const codox = new Codox();

new FroalaEditor('#editor', {
    events: {
      //setting up on initialization event
      'initialized': function() {
        //Adding codox configuration
        const editor = this;
        const config = { 
          "app"      : "froala",
          "docId"    : "mydoc",
          "user"     : {
              "name" : "Joe Smith",
          "editor"   : editor,
          "apiKey"   : "d5bb1f48-356b-4032-8d0c-ba1a79396f79", //replace this

The co-editing session will start inside the Froala editor instance specified in the editorattribute.

Before invoking codox.init() the Froala editor should be fully initialized. In the example code, we ensure that Froala is initialized first by adding an initialized event hook to Froala's constructor.

The values for docIdandusername should come from your document management service. Codox expects docIdto be globally unique across your service.

Multiple Instances

Every co-editing session should have its distinct codox object. That means if you are running multiple instances of Froala editor on the same page or with in the same application, there should be multiple instances of codox, one for each Froala editor instance or document fragment (note: each document fragment should be uniquely identifiable).

Froala React

See this detailed guide for working with Froala React (react-froala-wysiwig).


The config parameter is a JSON object with the following key-value pairs:


Additional configration paramaters can be found here




The static string value 'froala'



A unique identifier for the document. In a content management service, this could for example be the resource identifier for the document.



A user meta-data object.

For a content management service, this field should be set for each logged-in user based on their credentials. The value of will be used to render the default text-based initials avatar. To create an image-based avatar, set user.avatar to the path of the image resource.



The API key for the Froala integration. You can obtain a key from your account.



A reference to a Froala editor instance, in which the co-editing session should be bootstrapped.

autoStart (optional)


Set to true to start the co-editing session automatically on init(config). Set to false to initialize but delay start the co-editing (see the start() client API). Default setting is true.

Last updated