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Common questions about Codox.

Do my users have to register with Codox to use this service?

Your application’s users do not need to register with us separately. We provide a unique API key which allows you to deploy real-time co-editing across your application.

What defines a ‘Session’ ?

A session is created’ when a user opens a document for collaborative editing. The session is alive as long as there is at least one user still working on the document. When everyone in the session has left (by closing their browser tabs or exiting the app, for example) the session ‘ends’. While a session is alive, users joining and leaving are not counted towards the session quota. For example, say you have 2 users editing the same document, if one user is on his/her mobile device and gets disconnected and then later reconnects during a session, we still count that as a single session as long as the other user remains in the session.

What does the “number of users per session” mean?

The “number of users per session” limits the maximum number of users that can edit the same document at the same time in a specific co-editing session. This number does not restrict how many users your service can have. For example, your service may have tens of thousands of users, who can start any number of sessions for different documents, but each document may be co-edited at the same time by a handful of users, restricted by this number.

Help me understand the monthly session quota

Say you are signed up for 100K sessions/month, that quota sets the maximum number of co-editing sessions your users can create in a month (see the definition of a session above). We don’t count individual connections, so if you have 10 users co-editing the same document, that is a single session, not 10.

What happens when my team is over the monthly quota?

We will notify you when you are close to hitting the quota. The session usage numbers are also visible on the dashboard. You can upgrade to a higher tier plan or wait till the month ticks over. We allow for some overages to allow your service to fall back gracefully.

My application deals with potentially sensitive data. Do your servers store any data that users may be collaborating on?

We take security very seriously. We don’t store any user data on our service. During real-time co-editing our service will broadcast encrypted changes that users make to the document to all collaborators.

Can I scale up and down the plan depending on my usage?

Yes, you can adjust your plan at anytime. Just keep in mind that we use Stripe to pro-rate your subscription.

What if I decide to cancel my plan?

We will process the cancellation which takes effect from the next billing cycle. You will be able to continue use our service until the end of the current billing period. Reactivate at anytime.

How is the payment being processed?

We use Stripe to process your payment. It’s the same payment provider used in products such as Twitter, Pinterest, and Lyft. We do not handle your credit card information directly.